Jumaat, 26 Februari 2010

~Kekasih ALLAH..~


~ Bahawasanya Rasulullah saw adalah manusia yang paling tampan wajahnya, paling bagus bentuk penciptaannya, tidak terlalu tinggi dan tidak terlalu pendek.
(Muttafaq alaih)

~ Bahawasanya Rasulullah saw berkulit putih dan berwajah elok.

~ Bahawasanya badan Rasulullah saw tidak terlalu tinggi dan tidak terlalu pendek, dadanya bidang, janggutnya lebat, rambutnya sampai ke daun telinga, aku (sahabat) pernah melihatnya berpakaian merah dan aku tidak pernah melihat yang lebih indah daripadanya.

~ Bahawasanya wajah Rasulullah bulat bagaikan matahari dan bulan.

~ Bahawasanya apabila Rasulullah saw gembira, wajahnya menjadi bercahaya seolah-olah seperti belaian bulan dan kami semua mengetahui yang demikian itu.
(Muttafaq alaih)

~ Bahawasanya tidaklah Rasulullah saw tertawa kecuali dengan senyum dan apabila kamu memandangnya maka kamu akan menyangka bahawa baginda memakai celak pada kedua matanya, padahal baginda tidak memakai celak.
(Tirmizi. Hasan)

~ Dari Aisyah ra, dia berkata "Tidak pernah aku melihat Rasulullah tertawa terbahak-bahak sehingga kelihatan batas kerongkongnya. Akan tetapi tertawa baginda adalah dengan tersenyum".

~ Dari Jabir bin Samurah ra, dia berkata: "Aku pernah melihat Rasulullah saw pada malam bulan purnama. Aku memandang baginda sambil memandang bulan. Baginda mengenakan pakaian merah. Maka menurutku, baginda lebih indah daripada bulan."
(Tirmizi, dia berkata: Hadis hasan gharib. Dan disahihkan oleh al-Hakim serta disetujui oleh az-Zahabi)

Ya Rasulullah,
keperibadian mu menjadi ikutan
tauladan ummah sepanjang zaman..

(Syeikh Muhammad Jamil Zainu)

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

..If Tomorrow Never Comes..

If Tomorrow Never Comes..

If tomorrow never comes
Have I done what I should have done today
Or did I just let time slip away

If tomorrow never comes
Have I said sorry to the people I have done wrong hurting
And plead to God for forgiveness for all my sinning

If tomorrow never comes
Did I say thanks to the people I know,
Or I just didn’t bother to show

If tomorrow never comes
Will I know what is next to come,
And will I get to paradise with a warm welcome

If tomorrow never comes
I won’t let the day pass away,
And cherish what I have today

If tomorrow never comes
I’m sure to strive my best,
And make that day the best from the rest

We will never know if we have tomorrow,
So I plead to God with full of sorrow:

I Must Remember..

If now I happy
I must remember before this I sad
If now I success
I must remember before this I failed
If now I clever
I must remember before this I stupid
If now I rich
I must remember before this I poor
If now I strong
I must remember before this I weak
If now I healthy
I must remember before this I sick

Tomorrow is difference
Tomorrow is a new life
Tomorrow maybe I die
Tomorrow not same as today
Only one not change

This is Islam
Thanks for Allah
Give me heart for to feel
Give me brain for to think
Give me eye for to see
Give me Quran for to read
and to understand and practice
Give me Hadiths for to life guide


My wish is to see the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. ...

Thank you Allah
Thank you Allah
Thank you Allah ...
For all bless and Nikmat..


Isnin, 18 Januari 2010



Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
That your so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can`t see which way to go
Don`t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insya Allah3x

Insya Allah you`ll find your way

Everytime you can make one more mistake
You feel you can`t repent
And that its way too late
Your`re so confused,wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame
Don`t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insya Allah3x

Insya Allah you`ll find your way

Insya Allah3x

Insya Allah you`ll find your way

Turn to Allah
He`s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah..

P/S:salam imtihan sume!bittaufiq wa najah..mga kjyaayaan mnjadi milik kita semua.. insyaallah..d0akn sme2..:).."tiada yg sukar bg hati yg mahu..." truskan perjuangan!